25/26 School Year -- Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Pajaro Valley Unified School District
Posted: 29-Jan-25
Location: Watsonville, California
Type: Full Time
Salary: $163,561-$189,680
Deputy, Assistant or Associate Superintendent – Human Resources
Salary Details:
Masters- $4,498
Car Stipend - $500/month
Cell Phone - $100/month
Plans, directs, integrates, and coordinates the operation of the Department of Human Resources to enhance the utilization, stability, and morale of District work force. Promotes the overall efficiency and effectiveness of human resources programs such as classification and compensation, recruitment and selection, benefits, and professional development. Serves as the District's labor relations executive.
This position is for the 25/26 school year- with a start date of 07/01/2025
BENEFITS Outstanding benefits for full-time Certificated staff: Employees Only: $0 Employee +1: $56 per month Employee + 2 or more: $90 per month Dental (Delta): $0 Vision (VSP): $0 Basic Life Insurance for employee $0 Insurance Plans: Kaiser, BlueShield PPO, BlueShield HMO, Anthem PPO, HSA (Health Savings Account)
MATERIALS*Completed EdJoin Management Application *Current Letter of Introduction *Current Resume *Three Letters of Recommendation (all within the past two years including one from a supervisor) *Masters Required
*Minimum of three years classroom teaching *Five years Administration
A description of the LEA, its schools, and its students in grades transitional kindergarten–12, as applicable to the LEA.
Pajaro Valley Unified School District ("PVUSD" or the "District") covers a 150 square mile, predominantly rural and agricultural area that
includes the communities of Watsonville, Freedom, Interlaken, Amesti, Corralitos, La Selva Beach and Aptos in Santa Cruz County, and
Pajaro and Las Lomas in the northern end of Monterey County. The District serves 16,287 students at sixteen elementary schools, six middle
schools, three high schools, four charter schools, a virtual academy, and two alternative high schools and a special education preschool. The
majority (64%) of our students are or were at one time English learners, 82% are low-income, including 10% classified as migrant, and 17%
receive special education services. In addition, we have 38 foster youth and 8% of our students meet the criteria for homelessness largely
due to multiple families living under one roof. Data examination and stakeholder feedback regularly inform an expanded definition of student
success and fuel efforts that value innovation, rigor and joy, as students are prepared to be colle...ge, career and life ready upon graduation.
This forward momentum is supported by collaborative community partner organizations (non-profits, higher education partners, community
service agencies, foundations and others) who serve as additional valued stakeholders in this collective process. Our initiatives are often led
collaboratively with community partners and stakeholders: Educational Equity Audit and Blueprint Development Process, YouthTruth Survey,
College and Career Collaborative, and Early Literacy Collaborative.
Our Vision: Through high quality learning environments, parent and community partnerships, quality staff and positive behavior supports, all
2024-25 students will be college and career ready upon high school graduation.